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Using Bear And Mole Stories as Writing Mentor Texts

Did you ever start reading a story to your students and realize how well it could be used as a mentor text? I'm always on the lookout for mentor texts to use with my first graders for writing personal narratives. There are so many great texts out there, but I often find that some ...


Shark Week - Integrating Math and Nonfiction

With the end of the school year fast approaching, my friends and I over at The Reading Crew decided to get together and do a blog link-up filled with all things summer! You can find ideas for end of the school year activities, summer reading and more. Each blog post has a freebie ...


Generating Story Ideas

"I don't know what to write!" Every writer - no matter what the age - has moments like this. Coming up with topics to write about can be hard - and the younger you are, the more difficult it can be. I have a great story I use to inspire my students when they have writer's block. ...


Using Readers Theater for Fluency and Facts

Fluency is an important part of reading. Students who are fluent readers recognize words automatically. They group words together as they read, and they read with expression and intonation. Fluent readers do these things whether they are reading orally, or silently. Studies ...


Interactive Read Alouds - an email series

Hey there! How's your summer going? If you're anything like me, your brain is finally in summer mode and you're doing some self-care and enjoying the summer! But.... I bet you're still thinking about school. Maybe just a little? It's ok. Teacher brains never really turn off ...


Groundhog Day books and activities

Groundhog Day is coming soon! I'm always on the lookout for new books and new ways to use them. Here are 3 books that are great for Groundhog Day fun! These two books are perfect for comparing and contrasting characters and events. Substitute Groundhog, by Pat Miller, and Groundhog's ...


Polar Bear Book Share

What would winter be without reading books about animals that thrive in the cold and ice? Students are always amazed by polar bears and there are some great books out there to share. Here are some of my favorites! The queen of nonfiction for younger students, Gail Gibbons ...

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