A quick pop-in

Hi folks!  I'm back home for tonight and wanted to make sure I posted something great for you all to read while I was off enjoying beach vacation number two... but my brain is in summer mode and I can't think of anything great, soooo.... thank goodness for Farley and July's currently!
July???  Is it really July already?  I've only been out of school a week but this summer is certainly going to fly by. 
And for those of you thinking how wonderful having TWO beach vacations would be... let me clue you in on a reality check here .... I was at the beach for 4 days and had my toes in the sand for about 30 minutes total!  The friends I went with are not really beach people, so although the vacation was fun, it was not beach bliss...
and this next one won't be either - weather is cloudy, showers and storms for most of the week.  But... everything is better at the beach, so I'm sure I'll have fun!
Now for the "tips and tricks" - I am a newbie blogger and TpT seller.  I am just getting my feet wet in all this, but although you have probably heard it before - be patient!  Followers, sales, etc - whatever you are hoping for - WILL come.  It has to happen naturally.
That being said, it will take a while to find what your "niche" is.  I'm still looking for mine!  I'm hoping that when school starts up again, I'll have a better idea what to blog about (I do a lot of games and movement activities with my second graders...) and my TpT store will take off. 
Ok, folks, I'm getting ready to pack (again!) and head out until the end of the week.  In the meantime, be sure to visit Christy over at 3rd Grade Theatrics and enter her 100 follower giveaway.  I donated my "Find Someone Who Has" math games bundle.  Good luck!
And don't forget to follow me on Bloglovin!  Google reader disappears tonight and you wouldn't want to miss any fantastic posts!  You can click here
Or on the right sidebar where it says "Follow me on bloglovin."  How easy is that?  (PS - This cute graphic came from Hope King at 2nd grade Shenanigans.  I think she designed it.  She has way more talent than me.... and  a new puppy, too, apparently!)
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Two beach vacations with not a lot of beach is cause for a third, no? I hope you do get a sunny day this week! We are headed to the beach as well!

    Everyone deServes to Learn

  2. Oh no! I think you need a beach vacay do-over! Hope the weather clears and your toes make it in the sand. :)

    The Teaching Thief

  3. Thanks for sharing! I found you on the July Currently! I want summer to move slower too!
    Come and check out my current Currently!

    Fancy Free in Fourth

  4. So jealous of the beach days! Sounds fabulous!

  5. Thanks for donating to the giveaway! I found you through 3rd Grade Theatrics! Now following! :)



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